Ask Dangerous Lee – Why is it that nice boys don’t do it for me!?
Q: I’m a newly single girl and have been dating. Currently I am seeing one guy I will call my “Nice Boy” and the other is my “Gangsta Boy”. Nice Boy is very nice, has his shit together and all that....
View ArticleAsk Dangerous Lee – Do you think they put crack in Krispy Kreme donuts?
Q: Do you think they put crack in Krispy Kreme donuts? If not, why does a sista ache for them at 3 am? Mizz Sandy Chicago, IL A: No, they don’t put crack in Krispy Kreme donuts. You smoke crack or weed...
View ArticleAsk Dangerous Lee – When you complain at a restaurant, why do they offer a...
Q: Why is it that when you complain about the food at a restaurant they give you a certificate for a complimentary meal? Dawn C. Whereabouts Unknown A: Of course it’s so they can make it up to you the...
View ArticleAsk Dangerous Lee – How can I tell if someone is really my “sister” ?
Q: I consider myself a “woman’s woman”. I have five sisters and never felt threatened. I have to ask though, how can I tell if someone is really my “sister” or just someone paying lip service to...
View ArticleAsk Dangerous Lee – What is the “unpardonable sin,” found in Mark 3 and...
Q: What is the “unpardonable sin,” found in Mark 3 and Matthew 12, and how does sin become “unforgivable?” Is You Is, Detroit, MI A: Obviously you have opened up a Bible and read this particular...
View ArticleThe Half Series – When Black People Look White (1 of 3)
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 7 seconds. Contains 1024 words This is a three part series about colorism. PART ONE Take a look at my friend, Katie Burrell: Is Katie Black? Is Katie White? Is she...
View ArticleThe Half Series – When Black People Look White (2 of 3)
PART TWO Katie Burrell with her son: Estimated reading time: 4 minutes, 35 seconds. Contains 919 words Most of you are guessing that Katie’s ethnic background is Black and White. Keep on guessing. The...
View ArticleThe Half Series – When Black People Look White (3 of 3)
The Finale Here are the final guesses on Katie Burrell’s ethnic background as of Sunday, June 13th, 2010: White/Black 31.3% Hispanic/Black 11.1% Arabic/Black 10.1% Asian/Black 8.1% None of the Above...
View ArticleI’m 83% African, 16% European and 1% West Asian
Thanks to Ancestry DNA I now know my full ethnic background. It’s very fascinating, humbling and empowering to learn where my ancestors come from. I can’t wait to further explore all the places that...
View ArticleAsk Dangerous Lee – Can you believe a cheater when they say they want to be...
Q: If you have a relationship and your mate has had a history of cheating on whomever they were with, can you believe them when they say they want to be loyal to you? I know this sounds like a dumb...
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